Founded in 2009, My Brother's Keeper of Greater Richmond is Central Virginia's leading facilitator of fatherhood curriculuns and provider of research on father presence and father involvement, research and evidence-based fatherhood programs and resources, staff training, and father-engagement planning services for human service organizations and practitioners.
Our Mission
To empower fathers with evidence-based parenting and relationship skill that enable and encourage them to become more engaged with their children thus impacting the future outcomes for their children in positive ways.
To empower fathers with evidence-based parenting and relationship skill that enable and encourage them to become more engaged with their children thus impacting the future outcomes for their children in positive ways.
Our Vision
Our vision is that all communities and human service organizations are proactively father-inclusive so that every child has an involved, responsible, and committed father in their lives.
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing it badly. Somethings in life are important enough that you keep on them even when our best is not all that great!
Fatherhood is one of those things.